Unser Feedstar Kunde Josef Hofer besitzt einen Hof im österreichischen Krumbach. Herr Hofer versorgt 35 Milchkühe und…
Aufgrund der beschwerlichen Arbeit und der veralteten Technik entschied sich die Familie für einen modernen Neubau.
The Steiner family was looking for a complete package...
Feedstar can also be the perfect solution for larger stables.
Another great project that we would like to present to you is the stable reconstruction of the Hauder family.
For the R. family from Lower Saxony, the period of reconstruction played a very important role.
This short report presents the new building project of the Lindner family.
Learn more about this exciting project...
In this report we would like to introduce you to the Wöss family from Aigen-Schlögl.